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Collection: Brand Angels Eye's

Our products are designed to help keep dogs and cats’ coats looking their very best! Our Angels’ Eyes tear stain remedies include; Angels’ Eyes Natural tear stain powders and soft chews, Angels’ Eyes Plus tear stain powders and soft chews available in chicken, beef, and sweet potato formulas and Angels’ Eyes Gentle Tear Stain Wipes. We also have Angels’ Eyes Heavenly Coat  Soft Chews for skin and coat, assorted shampoos that are paraben free, ear cleaners, and Angels’ Eyes Nose Glow and Angels’ Eyes Soft Paw balms to help keep dogs protected from both the warm and cooler climates.

All Angels’ Eyes products are proudly made in the USA and list all ingredients so the consumer knows exactly what is in our products. Our Angels’ Eyes tear stain product carries the NASC seal. This is important because it gives confidence to our company. You can trust our company because we’ve been independently audited by the NASC. It also shows that our company is contributing to a cause greater than its own self-interest, which makes an impact on the industry, but more importantly, on the animals themselves. And that’s where our hearts are; otherwise, we wouldn’t be in the industry.

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